The Dallas Morning News Clips

All of my clips for The Dallas Morning News can be found here.

Opinions related to culture:

GuideLive articles:

Opinions related to religion:

Opinions related to politics:

Opinions related to education:

  • “The ongoing battle to educate kids about everything non-whites have given society” “To King, it seems that recognizing the contributions of anybody but “old white people” must be a racist and sexist conspiracy. King’s view is problematic in and of itself. It’s even worse, however, when that view is inflicted upon students — which brings us back to the Texas textbook.”
  • “Even after Supreme Court’s support for diversity, UT still has a long way to go” “Yes, it’s helpful to see the court’s ruling on Abigail Fisher, who almost certainly wouldn’t have gotten into UT regardless of her race. But when it comes to diversity, there’s still a whole lot more that needs to be done.”
  • “Campus Carry is problematic, but not dangerous” “While it’s clear that campus carry has already hurt the academic environment, it should also be noted that, despite opponents’ bold rhetoric, campus carry is unlikely to make the campus any more dangerous.”
  • Documented or not, Austin valedictorian should make Texans proud” “Summoning the spirit of Davy Crockett, the namesake of Ibarra’s high school, Mayte Lara Ibarra’s should tell her critics that they can go to hell, but she’s going to Texas.”
  • “It’s time to put an end to final exams” “In the real world, we should take advantage of how many available resources exist and learn how to use them, rather than focusing on memorizing a limited amount of information. After all, life is one long open-book test, rather than a short final exam.”
  • “Writing can’t be standardized” “Writing is self-expression, and like all arts, it’s more a matter of taste than of skill. Many people enjoy J.K. Rowling or John Grisham over William Shakespeare and Jonathan Swift, but that doesn’t mean you can define them as better or worse. Writing isn’t about good or bad, it’s about appealing to an audience.”
  • “To read or not to read so much Shakespeare, that is the question” “Shakespeare was a brilliant writer, but not everyone can relate to his writings. Students need choices in their English classes. Once we get students to open books, we open the doors of opportunity, and most important, we open minds.”

For the Editorial Board:

Letters to the Editor & ‘Sounding Off’: